2017 Design Challenge

events   |   2016

2017 Design Challenge

Metals in Construction magazine invites architects, engineers, and students around the world to submit their visions for reducing energy consumption in the built environment by minimizing a building’s embodied energy. Design Brief As design strategies succeed in shrinking the energy used in operating buildings, focus is shifting to the energy consumed producing the materials used in constructing … Continued

Cristobal Correa: Constructing Complexity

On Thursday, October 27th, at 6pm in Pratt’s Higgins Hall Auditorium, Cristobal Correa, Associate Professor of Design & Technology in Pratt’s Graduate Architecture Program, will present his lecture “Constructing Complexity.” Admission is free and open to students and the public. Professor Correa is also an Associate Principal at Buro Happold, an international, integrated engineering consultancy … Continued

AISC/NSBA SteelDay Eve Celebration at the New NY Bridge

Join the SteelDay Eve celebration of the Tappan Zee replacement project, the New NY Bridge. Located on the Hudson River, this unique event includes a panel presentation about the innovative steel twin span bridge (1 hour continuing education), SteelDay prizes, cocktails, refreshments, and snacks. Seating is limited so register today! Date: September 29, 2016 Time: 5:00 … Continued

Save the Date: Design Challenge 2017 Launching in August

On the heels of a successful “Reimagine a New York City Icon” competition, the 2016 Design Challenge sponsored by Metals in Construction magazine and the Ornamental Metal Institute of New York that invited architects, engineers, students, designers, and others from all over the world to submit their vision for recladding 200 Park Avenue, Gary Higbee, … Continued

Steel Day 2016

SteelDay is an annual event sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction and hosted by its members and partners. SteelDay is the industry’s largest educational and networking function, with events occurring all over the country. It’s an opportunity for individuals from various professions to see how the structural steel industry contributes to building America. … Continued

Take the Metals in Construction Magazine 2016 Design Challenge

Date: Deadline: February 1, 2016 Location: International Sponsored By: Ornamental Metal Institute of New York An architectural design competition to help solve the world’s climate crisis: Reimagine 200 Park Avenue and earn the chance to win $15,000. Visit metalsinconstruction.org to learn more and to register. More and more people are making a commitment to the … Continued