AISC/NSBA SteelDay Eve Celebration at the New NY Bridge

Steel-day-2016Join the SteelDay Eve celebration of the Tappan Zee replacement project, the New NY Bridge. Located on the Hudson River, this unique event includes a panel presentation about the innovative steel twin span bridge (1 hour continuing education), SteelDay prizes, cocktails, refreshments, and snacks. Seating is limited so register today!

Date: September 29, 2016
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: The Sunset Cove, 238 Green Street
(Free parking and a 10 minute walk from the Tarrytown Transit Station)

Register via this link: AISC/NSBA SteelDay Eve Registration

*AISC is a registered provider of continuing education for the states of New York and Florida.
