FDR Drive Reconstruction: Outboard Detour Roadway
The Outboard Detour Roadway, a recyclable superstructure consisting of transverse steel-cap beam and longitudinal steel girders, is a unique solution to diverting traffic during the FDR Drive Reconstruction. A civil engineering and urban planning accomplishment, this innovative use of steel and pre-cast concrete slabs reduces the impact on traffic patterns as well as noise levels for nearby residences.
New York, NY
Owner: New York State Department of Transportation
Structural Engineering Consultants: Earth Tech, Inc. New York, NY
Engineer-in-Charge: Tom Bowers, New York State Department of Transportation New York, NY
General Contractor: Slattery Skanska/Weeks Marine Carteret, NJ
Structural Steel Erector (roadway): Archer Steel Construction Co. Manalapan, NJ
Structural Steel Erector (noise wall): Francis A. Lee, Inc. Hicksville, NY